AMAZING 1984,January

Amazing Science Fiction: January 1984 (Volume 57, Number 5)
[Volume & Number match the system reinstated as of March 1983.]
Illustrations by Jack Gaughan, George Barr, Keith Minnion, Keith Roberts, Tim Kirk. Cover by Jack Gaughan (for "Gateway III: Beyond the Gate.")

Serial: "Gateway III: Beyond the Gate" (Part 1 of 3) by Frederik Pohl (book version titled Heechee Rendezvous.)

Fiction: "Yawn" by Wayne Wightman
"Kitemaster" by Keith Roberts ("Kiteworld" series)
"With Gi-oon'sha, Dreams Come" by Sharon Webb
"Ice Age" by Michael Swanwick
"The Demon Queen" by Phyllis Eisenstein.

Nonfiction/Essays: "Through Time and Space With Ferdinand Feghoot: b" by "Grendel Briarton"
"Fantastic Adventures with Amazing" by Robert Bloch
"Return of the Jedi" (film critique) by Alan Dean Foster.