ANALOG 1993,January

Analog Science Fiction - Science Fact January 1993 (Vol.113, No.1 and 2)
Cover by Vincent Di Fate (for "Leap")
Special Double issue (320 pages).

Novellas: "The Immediate Family" by Spider Robinson ("Callahan's Bar" series)
"Down in the Bottomlands" by Harry Turtledove [Hugo winner - "best novella"] Novelettes: "Leap" by Stephen L. Burns
"Pliocene Romance" by L. Sprague de Camp ("Reginald Rivers" series)
"Georgia On My Mind" by Charles Sheffield [Hugo, Nebula winner - "best novelette"]
Science Fact: "Flight in Non-Terrestrial Atmospheres..." by Duncan Lunan & Gordon Dick.

Stories: "The Day the Signal Stopped" by Francis Cartier
"Music Played on the Strings of Time" by Kevin J. Anderson
"If at First You Don't Succeed..." by Grey Rollins.
Probability Zero: "Alien Automotive" by Kent Patterson
"Attraction" by G. David Nordley.

Stanley Schmidt's editorial is "Evolution and Ethics."