SCIENCE FANTASY 1964,April (Whole #64)

Upper right quadrant of cover torn off and repaired with tape behind; hole/wear at left of cover/middle of spine.

Science Fantasy: Issue No. 64, April 1964

Novelettes: "Dead Lord's Passing" by Michael Moorcock ("Elric" series)
"The Deep Fix" by James Colvin (Michael Moorcock).

Stories: "The Face of Mark Fenton" by W. T. Webb
"The New Country" by John Baxter.

Feature (article): "Aspects of Fantasy" Part 4 (conclusion)" by Michael Moorcock.

Edited by John Carnell (his last issue.) This is the last of the digest-sized issues, and the last from Nova Publications. You can see the cost-saving efforts of no cover art or illustrations (though there was one bit of art at the end of "The Deep Fix" - probably a repeat.) The next issue was done in paperback format by Roberts & Vinter - edited by Kyril Bonfiglioli. Science Fantasy was a companion magazine to New Worlds from 1950 through1966 (and beyond - in 1966 the name changed twice: to Impulse, then to SF Impulse.)